Youth & Students articles

CUPE 3902 representatives Ryan Culpepper and Erin Black speaking to students and community members on Wednesday evening.

BASICS Speak to CUPE 3902 Representatives about Possible Strike at UofT

BASICS Speak to CUPE 3902 Representatives about Possible Strike at UofT

by Nathaniel Jote and Liam Fox The University of Toronto and CUPE 3902, which represents student and contract teaching staff on campus, are currently negotiating new collective bargaining agreements. Negotiations seem to have stalled, however, and Units 1 (mainly TAs) and 3 (mainly sessional lecturers) are readying for a possible strike. At a townhall last


Strike on the Horizon at UofT

By Nathaniel Jote and Liam Fox Tensions are running high at the University of Toronto between administrators and CUPE 3902, the union which represents 7000 T.A.s and sessional lecturers on three UofT campuses. During 2014, Units 1 and 3 of CUPE 3902 both had their collective bargaining agreements with the university expire. However, the University

Joel Zola

Street Voices Launch Poem

A Poem by Joel Zola Written for the founding of street voices magazine We live in the modern day world of cellphones, wikipedia, and social media Sexual messages are sexually transmitted like gonorrhoea to our subconscious The masses are asleep to reality like we’re unconscious The voices of the streets will be the alarm clock,


Welcome to Canada: Growing up Latino in Toronto

This is an interview by Camila Uribe-Rosales of BASICS with Oscar and R (who prefers to remain anonymous), two Latin American youth who migrated to Canada from El Salvador and Mexico, and their experiences in the Canadian education system. EARLY YEARS O: I was born in El Salvador. My parents migrated here.  I didn’t speak


Hundreds rally in Toronto to support a democratic Venezuela… and reactionary riots

by Pragash Pio and Hassan Reyes Several hundred people gathered at Toronto’s Dundas Square on February 22 in response to violence in Venezuela which started at the beginning of the month. Two sharply divided groups formed and faced off across Yonge Street.  On one side, a group of 100 activists responding to the call from

Serving free food and coffee downtown. Photo: DIANNE HARTMAN

KW Spot Collective Relaunches its Peoples Programs

by BASICS Team Kitchener-Waterloo  On Jan 3, 2014, the Kitchener-Waterloo Spot Collective announced the relaunching and professionalising of their people’s programs. The people’s programs, which include the serving of free food, programs for those dealing with addiction, and literacy programs, have come out of the need to deal with the problems the community faces by


Terror in Dixon: Behind the Rob Ford Scandal

‘Project Traveller’ and the struggle to defend our communities By: Kabir Joshi-Vijayan Rob Ford might be the most (in)famous politician in Canadian history. Every other week a new intoxicated blunder is revealed while the entire local political establishment tries to force his resignation. Despite the hundreds of hours of sensational reporting, the story is actually


Does CLASS get in the way of EDUCATION?

by Sadia Khan & Noaman G. Ali Please see full article: Education inequality shocks Thorncliffe Park residents. To get involved or to learn more about Thorncliffe Reach-Out Teach-In (TRT)’s community organizing efforts to challenge these inequalities, e-mail [email protected], or visit the Facebook page,


Not Happy Talking to the Police? Try Collective Struggle

by Christopher Williams of the Network for the Elimination of Police Violence Poor Frederick Douglass apparently had it all wrong when he famously stated, “power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” According to a recent National Post opinion piece on contentious police practices in Toronto, sitting down and chatting
